Message from Owner and CEO, Kevin Holiday

I started this brand in 1987 at that time I didn’t think of it as a brand or anything else it was just how I felt whenever someone would speak to me or ask me how I was doing i would always say It Ain’t Easy it was just life in general whatever your into if you want to be successful is not going to be easy you have to do the hard work it takes to get there. In 1987 I went into a print shop and had my first It Ain’t Easy cap made the next day when I went to pick the cap up the owner of the print shop said everybody’s that’s come in here wanted to buy your cap you should think about branding this i thought nothing of it and went on my way. Everywhere I wore the cap whoever saw it always expressed how much they liked it and wanted to know where I got it from 15 years later in 2002 I went to the mall and had another It Ain’t Easy cap made and the same thing happened the owner of that store said everybody that saw it wanted one I thought nothing of it and went on my way. Finally I realized everybody that saw it felt like me It Ain’t Easy is a feeling that everybody relates to any goal you want to reach in life is not going to be easy it obtain nothing comes easy you must put in the work to become successful no matter what it is weather it’s an athlete, doctor, lawyer, schoolteacher, construction worker, tradesman or tradeswomen, parent ect. Everyone can relate to those 3 words no matter the language, race, or gender It Ain’t Easy!! It Ain’t Easy was finally registered in 2017 30 years. Lol. And that wasn’t easy. Lol. I don’t know one successful person in anything who had it easy. If you work hard no matter who you are no matter where you come from no matter what you’ve been through the highs the lows the good the bad you can succeed but It Ain’t Easy.